About Us
The story of TEHNOLEMN begins in 1994 in Sibiu, when a group of Romanian investors decided to set up a privately-owned trading company that aimed to produce and market windows and doors of stratified wood incorporating insulating glass as well as a number of other products that used as raw material natural wood such as interior stairs, shutters and furniture items.
Due to both functional and aesthetic design, TEHNOLEMN products have gained the trust of an increasing number of customers, both individuals and institutions, so in 2002 we started to produce for foreign markets in Germany and Italy. The technical exigency and the aesthetic vision incorporated in each of our products led, in 2006, to the official registration of the Tehnolemn mark.
Starting with 2012, both the triple layered wooden windows and the laminated wooden entry doors we produce bear the CE mark, the symbol of full recognition of our efforts to meet the requirements and the conceptual vision of the architectural design projects at which participate.