Wood-Aluminium Windows

We make a new type of windows are the wooden ones covered with aluminum. An option with a high degree for weather protection, with an extension of the initial condition and appearance of the window for an extended period, without the need to repaint the wood on the outside in time. Aluminum cladding also has an aesthetic role, being able to be painted in any RAL color, satisfying all the requirements, and being able to be adapted to the design of any building. Aluminum wood cladding significantly increases the degree of thermal and acoustic insulation of the window.

For wood-aluminum joinery, profiles section 84 * 92 are used. The wood species used are spruce, pine, oak, meranti.

  • The finishing of the windows is made of impregnants and water-based varnishes resistant to the action of UV rays, high humidity, and keeping their color due to these factors; finishes can be made in a wide range of colors that can meet all customer requirements.
  • Depending on the requirements, the type of insulating glass can be bicameral, with different kinds of glass (Low-E, secure, duplex, ornamental, stained glass)
  • The widows are provided with two seals.
Advantages of laminated wood joinery:
  • Improved resistance to environmental factors over time
  • Increased sound and thermal insulation compared to other types of windows
  • Finish in a variety of colors.
  • Complex shapes can be executed.